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        Wage Policy and Bonus System

        Fair and Transparent Bonus Models

        At Garanti BBVA, remuneration is basically based on performance. Each employee’s individual performance appraisal affects  her/his variable compensation. This appraisal includes the evaluation of the strategic goals of Garanti BBVA, the BBVA Group and the business area of employees. All details are shared transparently with the employees and their managers.

        Employees create their own career plans

        Every employee is the leader of his/her own job at Garanti BBVA. They have the opportunity to be evaluated in the roles they target in their careers, depending on their performance, skills and experience. Our employees, who determine their career goals within the scope of our development model, are supported with different tools such as coaching, mentoring and education for the necessary skill development depending on these goals. Career opportunities are published on the internal career portal in order to implement our fair and transparent processes that focus on selecting the most suitable colleagues for the job in the Garanti BBVA group.

        Performance Evaluation and 360 Feedback Process

        In Garanti BBVA's performance evaluation system, it is measured to what extent employees achieve their performance goals and to what extent they live the values while achieving these goals. Bonus and performance process are supported by concrete, measurable criteria during evaluation and focus on ensuring justice among employees. Goals, values and skills are evaluated based on objective criteria through the performance evaluation and 360° feedback process organized in line with Garanti BBVA's strategies.

        Employees' sustainable performance and skills results are used as input in remuneration, career and development processes. Employees evaluate the technical skill levels expected from their roles. In this way, our employees evaluate what is expected from them in a holistic manner, along with their behavioral skills, and have the opportunity to develop in this direction.

        With our growth plan platform, employees determine their growth plans, determine the objectives and tools, and make revisions on this platform, which is open throughout the year, according to changing development needs. The growth plans created are followed with detailed reporting. These prepared growth plans also provide input to the development conversations held throughout the year by employees coming together with their managers in an agile attitude in order to support the culture of receiving continuous feedback and development. It is aimed to create an atmosphere of uninterrupted and agile development by supporting continuous feedback activities regardless of the period.

        We offer short, medium and long-term opportunities in different countries of our BBVA Group to our employees who desire to enrich their career and development journey with international experiences.

        We support the development of our employees with our project-based programs that we design with special content and duration for all experience and title groups.

        For the employees who wish to continue their careers abroad, we offer the opportunity to apply to available international career opportunities within BBVA Group through our global career page.