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        Private Banking

        Garanti BBVA Private Banking

        Enjoy each and every moment of your life with the privileges of Garanti BBVA Private Banking.

        Contact Us: 444 0 700

        • Features

          • Tailor-made banking services: We manage your savings by considering your financial goals, income, and expenditures.
          • Private customer relationship managers: They continuously review your investment strategies in light of the changing data, and each manager serves only a limited number of clients.
          • Innovative and personalized investment products and services: In addition to all kinds of banking services, we offer you the best investment alternatives according to your risk profile and expectations.
          • An understanding of service based on mutual trust: We establish a long-term relationship with you, accentuating confidentiality.
          • Comfortable and modern private banking branches: They are exclusive to Garanti BBVA Private Banking members.
          • You take advantage of countless privileges through which you will benefit from Garanti BBVA’s superior technology and knowledge and that will make your daily life easier.
          • In addition to the financial products and services we offer to our Private Banking customers, we organize cultural events, special dinners, and gatherings such as annual conferences (for example, Uludağ Economy Summit) where leading figures from the world of finance, academia, and business share their views and opinions, art events (for instance exhibition tours exclusive to our customers, VIP entry tickets to international art events), and concerts.
        Private Banking Branches