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        Learning and Development at Garanti BBVA

        Support from Garanti BBVA at every step of your career!  

        Garanti BBVA carries out its training activities with the vision of cultivating the best human resources in the finance sector, ensuring continuous development, and seeing it as an investment tool. We encourage a culture of continuous learning to help our employees perform their current jobs better and prepare more comprehensively for the competencies of the future. By closely following global learning trends, we apply the most up-to-date and effective training methods. The high performance of our employees is supported by tailored development solutions to meet their specific needs. Our colleagues have the opportunity to shape their own training and development plans based on their needs and desires, including topics beyond work-related subjects.

        Providing equal opportunities while embracing diversity...

        By integrating current approaches and practices into our training programs, we consider learning differences and utilize diversified training channels. We make the learning process accessible to every individual by offering various methods that address the individual needs of our employees. The learning process for Garanti BBVA employees is continuously supported in the workplace through coaching and rotation applications, action plans, experience sharing, and mentoring programs.

        Supports business outcomes...

        The Training Department is seen as a strategic business partner, and development activities are designed within the framework of business needs. Training and Development Activities for the Business Area conducted with senior management and Training Needs Analysis meetings held with the participation of various bank units contribute significantly to the creation of training solutions compatible with the bank's dynamics, thanks to "full-time internal trainers" who are subject matter experts and professional trainers sharing their past business experiences.

        Believes in the potential of employees...

        The Management Academy, established to sustain the performance of our colleagues, open career opportunities within the organization, enhance their personal awareness, develop their management skills, and create a shared management culture, has been active since 2005. The Management Academy offers comprehensive training programs to maximize leadership potential and imparts strategic thinking, effective communication, and decision-making skills through various learning methods, from gamified processes and simulation applications to action learning sessions and rotations supporting training. Thus, instead of a single program, it provides customized and personalized development opportunities, continuously strengthening our bank's leadership approach and contributing to a more dynamic management understanding.

        Keeps up-to-date with the latest technology

        Training is enhanced with the latest educational technologies.

        • A mobile application that allows employees to access training from anywhere, independent of time and place,
        • Interactive web-based training consisting of videos, animations, text, visual content, and podcasts,
        • Simulation Branch, enabling participants to experience risks they may encounter in real life in a safe environment,
        • Mobile Learning, used for instant notifications with mobile devices,
        • Gamification platforms offering a fun and interactive learning experience,
        • A digital platform providing personalized training recommendations based on employees' training history and preferences.

        Develops long-term cooperation with the academic World

        In addition to having many academicians among its trainers, there are collaborations with Turkey's established universities and educational institutions on various topics. Trainings are designed by combining academic knowledge from universities with banking sector knowledge, blending theory and practice. Additionally, collaborations with Turkey's leading universities are made to financially support employees' academic careers.

        Brings leaders together...

        The "Future Meeting," which aims to create a special sharing and learning platform for our employees by bringing together the managers of Garanti BBVA and its subsidiaries, addresses all participants each year with a special concept for that year.

        The tools that our managers need to inspire and guide the development of their teams are provided through the leadership platform used to support the development processes of our leaders. These tools include videos and guides prepared to provide inspirational content for our managers, explanations related to their areas of responsibility, reports for tracking the development of their teams, content to increase employee engagement, and a forum area where they interact through experience sharing.

        Sensitive to its environment and values...

        Garanti BBVA employees and managers add value to life with a sense of social responsibility in their training activities. A training approach that promotes the sustainable use of natural resources and pays attention to cultural and ethical values is adopted. In line with Garanti BBVA's sustainable development goals, basic training on this subject is provided to the entire workforce to acquire new skills, and detailed training programs are offered and diversified to deepen knowledge for different positions that require it.