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        We are the Garanti BBVA family.

        The answer to this question is actually very clear: At Garanti BBVA, you will take good care of yourself in many ways thanks to initiatives that will make you feel good and support your development!

        Because, here, we focus on ‘our employees’. We prioritise diversity, inclusiveness and sustainability in all the benefits we offer as part of our Talent and Culture practices, and we observe the principle of ‘equality for all’.  We care that you have a say in every step - from the planning to execution. Because we know that a better employee experience is only possible through your invaluable contributions.

        We believe in the power of the culture of appreciation, and we follow a promotion and remuneration policy based on performance by evaluating success under equal terms.

        We address the wellbeing of our colleagues under five aspects: physical, emotional, social, financial and career wellbeing with a focus on establishing a rich connection between work and life through our holistic wellbeing programme, which we have implemented with the idea that we only have one life and we have to live well. We call this programme “İYİ” (An abbreviation for “İş-Yaşam ilişkisi” which can be translated as “Work and Life Connected”).

        What does İYİ involve?

        We support our colleagues' physical and emotional health with a 24/7 employee support line that offers free psychological, medical and legal counselling for both themselves and their families, 12 sessions of free nutritional counselling and 20 sessions of personal sports trainer for all our colleagues annually, a mobile application where they can access different content such as physical health, parenting, meditation and nutrition, and a free medical check-up. While our 20 hobby clubs such as running, trekking, underwater and photography enable them to meet and socialise with colleagues with similar interests, we also have 14 sports teams that represent Garanti BBVA in corporate leagues as well as communities on topics such as books, travel and parenting, and volunteering activities that will make them feel good by doing good for others.

        Hosting award-winning theatrical plays in our own head office buildings with “İYİ Stage”, distributing free tickets for culture and arts events all over Turkey every month with “İYİ Events”, offering discounts from hundreds of brands ranging from clothing to technology, education to travel to support the financial wellbeing of our colleagues with “İYİ Discounts” are also part of this program. We collect all this content in a mobile application called Connect Mobil, which is exclusively for Garanti BBVA employees.

        We know that working better means better time management. That is why we utilise flexible and efficient practices.

        We have been permanently implementing our hybrid working model that is compatible with our culture and values since 2022, and while meeting the needs of our colleagues who want the flexibility of remote working, we also have the chance to benefit from the productivity and reduce our environmental impact by lowering our carbon footprint. Within this framework, we plan our working days in our headquarters units to work 40% from the office and 60% remotely, and we can work remotely for five week and from two different addresses or cities, provided that they are within the country. On the days we work from the office, we can plan our day in the most efficient way for ourselves by choosing one of three different working hours.

        In addition to their annual leave, we reinforce this flexible perspective with different administrative leaves such as marriage, illness, exams, moving, birthdays, etc. that they can benefit from when they need them. All our employees are entitled to 2 days of paid administrative leave during the year for the care of their first-degree relatives. If an employee adopts a child, he/she is entitled to 3 days of administrative leave. In addition, the parents of a child with a disability/chronic illness can use 10 days of compassionate leave in a year. Our employees can spend their report card days with their children by using paid administrative leave; they can be with their children who will start kindergarten or primary school on the first day of school. In addition, employees with children are entitled to 2 days of paid leave in case their children get married.

        Additional to maternity leave for female employees which can be used as total 4 months including prenatal and postpartum period, our male employees are entitled to 10 days of paternity leave. Besides maternity leave, our female employees have the right to 2 hours of milk leave every day until the child turns 1 year old, and they can use this right collectively if they wish. In addition, female employees who have a child have the right to work part-time until the child reaches the age of 6.