For each 1 TL spent on airlines, duty-free and cross-border shopping, earn 0,2 miles; for each 1 TL spent in other sectors, earn 0.1 miles.
You earn mile 50% more with your Shop&Fly Business American Express all purchases, and double miles on restaurant, hotel,travel agency and fuel expenses.
You may apply for the Shop&Fly Business credit card via Garanti BBVA Mobile, Garanti BBVA Internet Banking or our branches.*
BonusFlaş allows you to take control of your Shop&Fly Business credit card details, payments, and campaigns in a single application. Install BonusFlaş now!**
Shopping with the Shop&Fly credit card means more miles and more trips.
Travel whenever you want, without waiting to earn miles.
There are many easy ways to travel with your miles.
* Only sole trader customers can apply via mobile and internet banking.
** Only sole trader customers can use BonusFlaş.